
Church School Corner

Church School
All children ages four-years old through Middle School are invited to attend Sunday School classes during our 10 a.m. worship service. The invitation is initiated with a Children’s Message delivered by the Reverend. Immediately following the Reverend’s message the children are dismissed to their classes.

A Confirmation Program for ninth grade students balances class style lecture and lessons against participation in various church and community events. Confirmation Classes are generally at 4 p.m. Students are encouraged to regularly attend Sunday morning service.

Our Sunday School classes are led by volunteers from within the congregation. If you are interested in volunteering, please see the Church School Superintendent or ask one of our church members.

Grades K – 8 lessons come from rfour.org. The Confirm not Conform curriculum is used for our Confirmation Class.

Sunday School Calendar
Sunday school classes are held starting in September and ending in June each year.  You can find specific date information on the Christian Education Calendar.  There is no Sunday School when special services are held and they are listed on the calendar in blue. Therefore, the children are invited to attend and participate in the full worship service on those Sundays.