Our Church

Congregational Church of Burlington Congregational Church of Burlington

(Established 1774)

Sunday worship services:
10:00 a.m. Year Round
Church Office: (860) 673-4618
268 Spielman Highway
Burlington, CT 06013
Email us at [email protected]


Welcome to Our Website
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do I need to subscribe to a certain set of beliefs in order to attend a worship service at this church?
    No, we are a welcoming church, open to all who seek to understand God and to have a deeper relationship with Jesus, our Christ. Members of our church have come from many different Christian denominations. Some were not members of any church previously, but were drawn to the sense of community, powerful uplifting sermons and fellowship that is present at our church.
  2. How long does the worship service last?
    We currently have one worship service each Sunday at 10:00 AM. Services typically last about one hour. The first Sunday of every month is Communion Sunday as well as family Sunday, which can be slightly longer.
  3. What do people wear?
    There is quite a bit of variety in attire. Some wear their “Sunday best” while others are comfortable in more casual clothes. We do not encourage extremely casual clothes (tank tops, torn blue jeans, etc.) out of respect for our faith.
  4. May we bring our children to church?
    Certainly. We have many families with infants and young children. We can offer a supervised nursery for infants and toddlers during worship service as part of Sunday school. You are also welcome to have your baby or child remain with you in church. If necessary, we have rocking chairs in the Chapel Room directly outside the sanctuary if your child gets fussy. Children aged 3 and up are invited to attend Church School for age-appropriate lessons and activities.
    (See the Christian Education section of our web site for more about programs for youth.)
  5. How will I know what to say and do during the service?
    We print a bulletin each week that lists all readings, unison prayers and responses from the congregation. We use the Revised Standard Bible or the New Revised Standard Version for readings and the pages numbers are printed in the bulletin. We usually stand for hymns, but this is not required if you have difficulty standing. We do not utilize kneelers.
  6. What are the customs concerning the celebration of communion (the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper)?
    Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. All who seek a new relationship with Jesus Christ and receive the power of the Holy Spirit are invited to share in Holy Communion. There is no requirement that you have been baptized, confirmed or that you be a member of the church to participate in this sacrament. The bread and cups are passed to the congregation by the deacons. Out of respect for those who do not drink alcohol, we use an unfermented grape juice instead of wine.