The Deacons are excited about planning a new event in July, and would like to get feedback from the Congregation.
This event will be held at the Foote Road Recreational Center and will begin with an outdoor Worship Service at 11:00 (in lieu of our usual worship in the Sanctuary). That will be immediately followed by a fellowship picnic!
We will have the usual grilled burgers and dogs, ask everyone to bring either a salad or dessert, and then enjoy outdoor fun with games, swimming and fellowship together for an “off season” social event!
We aren’t asking for firm RSVPs at this point, but we do want to get an idea of how many people might be able to attend.
You can find the poll on most Congregational Church of Burlington pages at the top of the right-side column with the exception of the home page where it’s a the bottom.
Please take the poll today so we can follow up with more information in the next newsletter! Please, only 1 poll response per person and/or family so we have a good guesstimate of how many may be attending.
Thanks for the help!
PS – Once you vote, you will see the up to date poll results. You can even check back by simply hitting the Vote button without making a choice to see the results.