Sunday, April 19th Virtual Service

Resurrection takes time.

These are the key words for today’s sermon by Rev. Taylor as he not only shares the lesson from John’s Gospel, but the parallels to today’s pandemic that will take time to resolve.

The good news in all of this is just that, the Good News that Jesus shares with his resurrection!

Please enjoy today’s music selections and the message of the day.

Peace be with you all.

Opening Hymn

How Firm a Foundation


Opening Prayer

Holy God, 
Nothing is beyond your power to transform!
In a gray dawn, you coax songs of Alleluia!
From the tombs of despair we take refuge in
You call us to wake up and work. 
We praise you for this amazing day! 
Come, Risen Christ, 
in newness and hope on this Eastertide morning. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

Redeeming God, 
with you there is always more life, more hope, more joy. 

When doubt assails us, and we fail to recognize you at work in our lives, 
Lord, have mercy!

When fear impairs our faith, and our eyes and ears and hearts 
do not know you, Christ, have mercy! 

When anger and sorrow stop us from doing the risky work of love, 
Lord, have mercy!

Second Hymn

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus 


Gospel Reading

John 20:19 – 31


Click for Online Text


Offertory & Song

Achieved is the Glorious Work


Give What You Can, Thank you

Sunday Sermon – Rev. Taylor

Resurrection Takes Time


Click for Online Text

Closing Hymn

Living Hope – Phil Wickham


Jesus said to them again,
“Peace be with you.
As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
When he had said this, he breathed on them
and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”

~ John 20:21-22

3 comments on “Sunday, April 19th Virtual Service
  1. Laura Chandler says:

    Very insightful sermon.

    I have no idea how much work it takes to pull a service together like this but I really appreciate all the effort and, as I said before, being able to read the sermon is a real bonus.

    It took me a sec to figure out who was reading the scripture.

  2. Jamie Haley says:

    Thanks again for your message of hope. My family has been out of work, out of school, out of activities for such a crucial time. Soooooo frustrating!! Thanks for your inspiration.

  3. Kristie Arbesman says:

    Thanks for all the efforts and those involved in creating this virtual service. It is uplifting it times like these.