The CE committee would like to thank all the Sunday School Teachers and Tim Higley our Superintendent for their time and dedication to teaching our youth. The theme this year is “How Will You Grow in Faith?” During Kick off Sunday students came up with great ideas of how to grow in their faith:
- Come to Sunday School regularly
- Sing songs in church
- Pray
- Read the Bible
Our Church, specifically the CE Committee, has recently become the beneficiary of a generous donation of $2000.00 by a anonymous donor for the purpose of supporting Youth Adult Education and Youth Mission/Outreach events.
A challenge has been put forth to the Congregation for 2016! The Benefactors will match up to an additional $500.00 for each fund ($1000.00) total with a 1:1 match for each dollar donated toward these funds by other members and friends of the Congregation during the calendar year…so, less than 2 months to go!!
We had several youth attend mission trips this summer that were financially supported by this fund. Please consider a donation* so we can continue to help support outreach and mission trips attended by our youth in the future.
Respectfully the CE Committee
* Please make checks out to ‘CCB’ and put ‘CE Fund Challenge’ on the memo line