Gift cards for many local businesses are available every Sunday after church service or at your convenience online…your choice!. The best part is there is no extra charge to you! Simply purchase the card at face value and a percentage of the card value is donated to the church by the vendor.
The percentages range from 1.5% to over 12%.
Example – The church earns $3 for a Stop & Shop $100 gift card.
$3.00 x 26 weeks (one card every 2 weeks) = $78.00
$78.00 x 60 church families = $4,640 earnings
Think of what the church could earn if you purchased cards more often or cards with a higher earnings potential! At the very least, just doing what you normally do will truly make a huge impact.
To get started or login to your account, simply click the Registration Button Code button. To see what retailers are part of this vast program, click the logo below!
How Scrip Works – The Basics: It’s Easy!
Budgeting With Scrip
Which do you think is more challenging; creating a budget or sticking to one? It’s important to take control of your spending, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy! Some of our families have mentioned that purchasing scrip helps them with budgeting. We’d like to share some of their tips, and ours, for budgeting with scrip:
- Use scrip retailers for all of your expenses. By budgeting first, you can see how much money you have to spend in each different category. Then choose your favorite scrip retailer for every category. When you use scrip for gas, groceries, clothes, prescriptions, and other everyday shopping, your rebates really start to add up. Not only are you sticking to the budget, you’re also earning for your organization!
- Start out small to get the hang of it. Order gift cards you know you will use every week, like gas and groceries. If you’re not comfortable purchasing gift cards for your full amount of weekly grocery money, try ordering half of your budget in scrip to start. Once you have a system that works, you can increase your purchases.
- Try an envelope system.; Some of you may already use an envelope system to budget your money, if not, give it a try! You can easily replace your gas, grocery, and entertainment money with scrip. Refill your envelopes with gift cards every week to make it easy to stick to your budget. Click here to check out how Dave Ramsey’s Envelope System Works.
- Take advantage of Reload and ScripNow™! Use our ScripNow and Reload options to reduce the time between paying for scrip and making your purchase. When you use these options, and pay with PrestoPay™, your wait time is much shorter than waiting for plastic cards from your coordinator.
- Take advantage of PrestoPay. Convenient, easy and a great way to stay on a cycle to manage your ScripNow purchases so you maximize the benefit to your Church.