We try to get this “rolling” the first month of every Quarter (January, April, July and October) in our Church Parking lot, usually from 9 am until 12 noon to collect your plastic, aluminum and bottle CT returnables.
We have a great system setup for the collection and this fundraiser has a great ROI because there are minimal out-of-pocket expenses (Trailer and/or Truck rental fees, if applicable). We receive the entire $.05 for every return with the only cost being our time for the sorters and drivers to the chosen Return Center.
Periodically, we will have a Clothing & Stuff Collection during the fall drive that pays by the pound for acceptable donations. All you have to do is clear out the closets and drawers, bag them in a semi-durable bag and drop it off on days where we collect. Here is a flyer of items you can donate.
You will be notified in Church, through Newsletter articles, in our News Blog, by signage around town and in the Upcoming Events section found on several pages of our website.
We have been doing this for many years and it’s a great cause because we clean up the environment through recycling and we help all the Church missions listed on the Fundraising Homepage!
Thank you to all who come and volunteer their time to sort and bag the returns, to the organizations who support us such as the Cub Scouts Pack 23.