The Deacons will be putting together Thanksgiving baskets for our shut-ins. If you would like to support our efforts, you may help by: Donating a gift card for a local grocery store through our Scrips Program; Making a monetary donation;…
The Deacons will be putting together Thanksgiving baskets for our shut-ins. If you would like to support our efforts, you may help by: Donating a gift card for a local grocery store through our Scrips Program; Making a monetary donation;…
The Deacons will once again be compiling “Care” packages for college students to help them through their stressful college finals. Please email your student’s name, college name and address to the Church Secretary or give the information to any Deacon.…
The Christian Education Committee has asked that all Sunday School children please bring in a non-perishable food item to be brought up to the front of the Sanctuary during the Thanksgiving Service on this Sunday. This is the time to…
It has been brought to our attention that our very own Senior Choir member, Jan Minor, will be signing with his group The Middlesex Hospital Vocal Chords, Lifting Spirits with Song, at their Winter Concert! They will “Ringing in Songs…
Hello! I am happy to let everyone know that “Let Your Light Shine” will be playing in our Sanctuary on Sunday, November 3rd starting at 3 pm. A nice surprise is that Chris Dabbo, our Music Director and Organist, will…
Come join the Big Tex and the “regular” collection crew for this quarter’s Can & Bottle Drive WITH an added bonus CLOTHING DRIVE! The drive is TOMORROW, Saturday, October 12th, from 8:30 am until 12 noon. Visit our Website Page…
Join the Higley family for Halloweentown II at 7 pm. You can get all the details in the Frank’s Flix section of our recent Newsletter! Parents, take advantage of the time to have a romantic dinner knowing your kid(s) are…
Just a reminder that the UCC is doing a Special Collection for this year’s Neighbors in Need program during Offertory Collection on Sunday, October 6, 2013. For those not aware, it is a special mission offering of the UCC that…
If you have not seen the email and clicked to our Event Page yet, take a minute to read up on the upcoming Harwinton Fair Craft Table. It’s a busy weekend in that volunteers are needed to man the table…
If you are in 6th, 7th and 8th grade, come and enjoy our first Junior Youth Fellowship! The theme of the evening will be “Games Can Be Hard Work, Too“! We’ll meet in the Large Sunday School room and we’ll…